Round Off to 3 Significant Figures
Thus 67 has two significant digits and 67. The number of significant figures in a result is simply the number of figures that are known with some degree of reliability. Significant Figures Rules School Study Tips Scientific Notation 11th Chemistry In this case the third digit is the 3. . If you need to round a number to a given variable number of specified digits or figures you can do so with an elegant formula that uses the ROUND and LOG10 functions. The digit 9 is greater than 5. To do this you must look at the sixth digit. INT trims off the decimal part of the exponent. This makes the national average student-teacher ratio in public schools to be 16 to 1. It allows you to give your numbers more or less significant figures. The same rules apply here. Matt G Waterloo to Mons flew in from darkest Essex Nigel made an early morning drive up from Cumbria and Tony Prometheus in Aspic sortied across the Forth h...